Electoral Working Group Meeting

Start: Tuesday, January 16, 2024 at 1:00 AM GMT

End: Tuesday, January 16, 2024 at 2:30 AM GMT

This is a virtual event

illustration of a rose with "Electoral Woarking Group" written in front

The Electoral Working Group is dedicated to contesting elections with viable candidates to win office, raise the profile of the socialist movement, and build power for the working class. We are committed to providing material support for candidates who will proudly declare their socialism, and who will fight for all members of the working class.

All accessibility standards on the Milwaukee DSA Virtual Meeting Checklist (based on the Accessibility Standards for Meetings and Online Platforms and Applications) will be met for this event. Attendees will introduce themselves with their name, preferred pronouns, and answer an icebreaker question.

Read our infectious disease policy here.

Event by
Jessica Cook
Milwaukee, Wisconsin