Emergency! Senator Roberts' DIE-IN

Start: Wednesday, May 31, 201712:00 PM

Join us for a DIE-IN, tombstones and all.

If the office is open, we'll have small groups of people go inside to share their personal ACA stories throughout the hour and give video recaps (if people want) afterwards. If they're not open, we'll video personal stories in front of their locked office and share them.

The Senate is secretly crafting their own healthcare bill, all the while dodging the revelations from the CBO score yesterday. The release of this report makes it even harder for the GOP to repeal ObamaCare.

With this in mind, several GOP senators have made it clear that the recess next week is a test. As tweeted by Topher Spiro, "If they get blowback back at home, they'll tell McConnell it's over." Well, we're going to make sure Senator Roberts knows. He sits on the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee which will vote to send any healthcare bill to the Senate floor.

We need to tell him NO new bill is needed. The ACA works!

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