Empathy Cafe Melbourne
Start: Saturday, January 25, 2020•12:30 PM
End: Saturday, January 25, 2020• 3:00 PM

Have you been to an Empathy Café before?
You are invited to the first Empathy Café (possibly Melbourne’s First ever!).
Here you will get to:
> Drink tea, coffee, or iced chocolate (my fav, but I digress).
> Discuss what are the best ways for you/us to navigate through the Climate Emergency
> Receive empathy for your thoughts and feelings
> Practice active listening
> Allow nourishing pathways forward to unfold that were previous unseen.
When we care deeply about something and are working every day to create the regenerative world our hearts know is possible, we too need to nurture regenerative ways of wellbeing within our lives and work for the Earth.
The Empathy café will be based on the Empathy Circle method: http://bit.ly/EC-How
Empathic reflecting is a great skill to practice to:
1) Grow gratitude, empathy, appreciation for life and hence grow joy throughout our lives
2) To practice how to move through challenging conversations with ease & grace
3) To navigate conversations and build connection with those that have divergent view from our own (connection means conversation)
4) Practice active listening (aka deep listening, compassionate listening, reflective speaking)
5) To build connections and open pathways that were previously unforeseen.
Empathy is a practice just like yoga… listening to the videos is a great start and is no replacement for LIVE human-to-human practice.
So come along!
Date: Saturday 25th January 2020 12:30pm-3pm
Location: Brunswick (address TBA once RSVPed)
RSVP here by the 18th January 2020:
Bring: Please bring snacks to share. Hot and cold drinks provided. *alcohol free event*
Contribution: Free/ by obligation-free donation on the day.
For more information about the Empathy Reflection process used in an Empathy Cafe check out this site: http://bit.ly/EC-How
There you will find a 9min Empathy Circle intro
a 25min Empathy Circle Lession
a 1.5hr Empathy Circle Example
Facilitated by:
Rita Gyorffy
Founder Be Regen: EcoResilience Practice
Rita is an ecoresilience facilitator and mentor, which is about nurturing an inner ecology of resilience through change and uncertainty, to support the blossoming of a regenerative human culture in the world and nurture active hope in our lives. Through the focus of reconnecting to soul, each-other and the natural world, authentic and compassionate relationships can be nurtured, to inspire widespread change in ourselves and others within this Climate Emergency. Rita is a Transpersonal (holistic) counsellor, a systems manager and facilitator-in-training with The Joyality Program. She facilitates compassionate communication (aka NVC), regenerative culture training and empathy sessions to help process ecoanxiety, climate grief and create regenerative actions toward a regenerative world. Rita also has experience with soulwork, rewilding, ecopsychology an Hawaiian bodywork.
Rita by emailing BeRegenPro@gmail.com
for questions.