Endangered Species Act 50th Anniversary Webinar

Start: Thursday, May 18, 2023 7:00 PM

You will hear from some of the nation's foremost experts on endangered species protection and the legal frameworks currently under attack across the country.

From bats in West Virginia, to wolves in Massachusetts, to wild Salmon in Washington, and of course Piping Plovers in NY, threatened and endangered species are facing unprecedented challenges on all fronts.

Learn about what lies ahead for some of the most fragile beings on the planet, and how you will be able to help.


Judy Rodd, executive director, Friends of Blackwater
Kevin Kenny, operations manager, Wolf Hollow
Tanya Riordan, policy & advocacy director, Save Our Wild Salmon
Tara Thornton, deputy director, Endangered Species Coalition
Steve Holmer, vice president of policy, American Bird Conservancy
Moderator: Chris Allieri, founder, NYC Plover Project