Ending Ageism Together: Yes, we can! SAGES November 18

Start: 2020-11-18 13:30:00 UTC Mountain Daylight Time (US & Canada) (GMT-06:00)

End: 2020-11-18 14:30:00 UTC Mountain Daylight Time (US & Canada) (GMT-06:00)

This is a virtual event

Are you frustrated with the way that older adults are being portrayed during the pandemic?

From "BoomerRemover" to "weak, vulnerable elderly" to calls for older people to sacrifice ourselves for the economy—it seems like we are surrounded by ageist messages and policies, such as policies that move older adults to the back of the triage line for critical services.

But ageism is not new. And it has harmful effects--on our financial security, on our physical and mental health, and our life span. And for people of color, ageism amplifies a lifetime of experiencing systemic inequities.

The good news? All of us have opportunities to address ageism, defined by the World Health Organization as "prejudice, stereotypes and discrimination based on age."

In this interactive, online workshop, you'll learn:

  • What ageism is, and the harmful effects it has on all of us, our communities and the economy
  • The benefits of having positive views of aging
  • Effective strategies for reducing ageism
  • How changing our language and messages can make a difference in how the general public thinks about older people, and increase support for more age-friendly policies
  • How words and phrases that we may commonly use (e.g., "having a senior moment") can have negative consequences that we don't intend because they reinforce ageist attitudes and prejudicial stereotypes about older people
  • Specific language and messages we need to avoid, especially during COVID-19
  • How to "talk back" when you encounter ageism
  • How you can become a Change AGEnt, and advance the movement to end ageism.

The online workshop is hosted by Changing the Narrative, a campaign to change the way people think, talk and act about aging and ageism.

If you or someone you know has experienced ageism, if you're frustrated by some of the stereotypes you're seeing in print or digital media, or if you simply want to know more about why this is important—you won’t want to miss this. Together, we can make a difference.

Register NOW by filling out the form on this page. We'll send you Zoom log-in information 24 hours before the workshop.