Estefany Castaneda for Centinela Valley UHSD School Board GOTV-Lawndale

Start: Monday, November 07, 202210:00 AM

End: Tuesday, November 08, 2022 2:00 PM

We have an opportunity to make a true and long lasting impact in our communities and this is only the beginning.

In November of 2018 while a senior undergraduate student at CSUN, at 22 years old she ran a grassroots campaign against a 10+ year incumbent with less than $2,000 and garnered over 12,000 votes to secure her victory. She ran on a platform centered on working class issues: transparency in all the processes and decisions the school board makes, engagement with the community to give out and provide more resources for our surrounding cities facing displacement and losing their home, and raising the quality of education in the district through establishing better mental health programs for students and parents facing adversity, advocating for special education programs, establishing more afterschool programs.

For this race, she faces a candidate that entered the electoral field at the last minute in reaction to Estefany casting the sole vote against a full-time sheriff $224,000 contract on for one school campus. Her challenger is bankrolled by a construction company, ready to sell out the district to the highest buyer.

Come canvass for the anti-establishment candidate fighting for our working families at our high schools.