Event on ethical banking!

Start: Tuesday, May 23, 2023 7:00 PM

Come to an event on ethical banking!

Organised by Climate Action Plymouth

Held at Plymouth University

Zak Gottlieb, the director of Bank.Green. will be giving a presentation on the financing of energy, and, in particular, the contentious issue of finance for current and future fossil fuel projects, followed by a panel discussion and questions from the audience. Professor John Summerscales will be chairing.

We will be inviting representatives from the major banks to be on the panel. The Co-operative Bank has already accepted our invitation. Also on the panel is Plymouth’s Youth MP, Eden Hingston.

Please join us!

116 Rolle Building, Plymouth University

7 pm to 8:30 pm Tuesday, 23rd May, 2023

For attendance via Zoom, contact climateactionplymouth@gmail.com  

Lifts. Disabled toilet.