Everyday Resistance of Kurds And Palestinians: Countering Domination via Nonviolent Means

Start: Saturday, June 23, 2018 9:00 AM

End: Saturday, June 23, 2018 5:00 PM

Specifically, this conference will ask the following questions: How do these oppressed groups use nonviolent forms of resistance to counter repression? What are the similarities and differences between the everyday resistance across these communities? What are the resistance practices that are central to daily life? What are the creative actions that make everyday resistance even more successful? An important theme of the conference will explore whether these communities can learn from each other’s nonviolent resistance practices.

We seek paper and panel proposals that engage with the questions mentioned above. Both academic and non-academic (journalists, activists etc) participants will be welcomed.

Potential themes of the conference include but are not limited to:

  • Hidden and unhidden forms of everyday resistance
  • Creative ways of resisting oppression
  • Resistance, elections and political participation
  • Culture, art, education and tradition in everyday resistance
  • Gendered aspects of everyday resistance
  • The role of youth in everyday resistance
  • Overcoming political control and criminalisation
  • Overcoming colonial legacy, partition and statelessness
  • Towards a transnational civil resistance?

Refreshments and lunch will be provided during the duration of the conference. We regret that we are not able to offer travel grants or other forms of financial assistance for the participants of the conference.

If you have any questions or comments about the conference theme, please contact Bahar Baser at bahar.baser@coventry.ac.uk

Event Time:
Start time: 09:00
End Date: 23/06/2018
End time: 17:00

Event Location:
Coventry University

Event Contact:

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