Experis Workers Solidarity Day

Start: Tuesday, July 02, 2024 8:00 AM

End: Tuesday, July 02, 2024 9:00 PM

Location:Manpower Group Headquarters100 Manpower Place, Milwaukee, WI 53212 US

Host Contact Info: welch.gregory@sbcglobal.net


Help the organized workers at Experis tell management to quit the stalling and start bargaining in good faith!

The workers voted in November of 2023 by a vote of 35-4 to unionize with the IAM to address multiple workplace issues. Since then, they elected a bargaining committee and entered into negotiations with Experis in February of this year. Over the last month, however, they have met with some not unexpected headwinds in bargaining. Experis laid off several members of the bargaining unit and has engaged in delay tactics. Most recently, they made it clear that they are unwilling to entertain any of the workers' proposals that would limit the company's control over the workforce, and significantly, that management views each of their employees as temporary.

These developments at the bargaining table have prompted IAM to reevaluate its strategy and they've decided to launch public actions to put pressure on Manpower to reach a fair agreement with its workers. The entire video game industry is notorious for the poor treatment of its workers, especially its quality assurance testers, and the Experis workers are in a historic struggle to change this.

Currently, the workers are planning to hold banner days every two weeks through the beginning of July in front of Manpower's global HQ.  Here are the banner action logistics:

What: Banner and Flier Solidarity Days
When: June 4th, June 18th, and July 2nd
8am - 9am
Where: Milwaukee Riverwalk in front of Manpower Global Headquarters
100 Manpower Pl, Milwaukee

IAM will have 14' banner and lots of signs. Please wear black, if possible, in solidarity with the Experis workers as they fight for a fair first contract.

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