Exploratory Interest in 2020 Social Protest

Start: Monday, August 10, 2020 at 3:00 PM GMT

This is a virtual event

We need volunteers to help organize a March on Washington or as someone else has suggested the Republican convention in Charlotte NC in August.

We are not affiliated with any political party, no organization, just citizens fed up with the rigged system.


The amendments to the constitution are , in essence, a declaration that the American Revolution will never be fully won but rather exist as a continuum forever bound to a fundamental belief that we are all created equal with inalienable rights as stated in the Declaration of Independence being the Rights to Life , Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Our right to free speech, to assemble, and to petition the government granted in the 1st amendment remain the bulwark from which we defend ourselves from those who would usurp the powers granted to the people by destroying the ethical tenets of representation. They do so as elected officials who now place self interest and party affiliation above the interest of the people from who their power is derived. We now live in perhaps the worst period of time in American history wherein our elected officials ignore the general welfare of the people and of the nation that they may enrich themselves through the bribery of the corporate oligarchs , stripping away layer upon layer ,the very foundation on which our rights as citizens exist.

There comes a time of great urgency where We the People, as many in the past have done, must stand United against the Tyranny of a government which no longer hears the voice of it’s constituents. We must unite as one, every citizen, organization, race, religion, wealthy or poor, who believe that , as Americans, we are equal and that our rights will not be infringed upon by elected officials who hold us in contempt and total disregard , as they turn their backs upon us with their hands outstretched to those who pay them for their corruption.

That is why we are forming a national coalition to organize a “ March for Democracy 2020” in the spring or summer in Washington or at the Republican convention in August. We need your help and support that we shall stand united to save this nation and to show this administration that we as a people will not tolerate their acts of lawlessness.

Contact us through this form, and we will help plan the protest together.
