Extinction Rebellion's Inner Western Sydney Local Group will be meeting online via Zoom on Tuesday 13 July.
All XR members from the Inner West are welcome. Please use the following link to access the meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5256267272?pwd=MFA4eEY1TlZrWjg4S2JqNDQvREJQQT09 Meeting ID: 525 626 7272 Passcode: 842991 The agenda for the meeting will include:
- An update from Mark on what XR has been up to in Victoria
- How Inner West's NAB actions have proceeded during lockdown
- Upcoming training previews
- Preparations for Spring Rebellion
- Rebel Ringing – looking for volunteers to build recruitment
- Information on XR communication platforms
- A short presentation by Vivien Langford from 3CR's Climate Action Show
Look forward to seeing you on Tuesday 13 July in Glebe!
If you would like more information before the meeting, please call Jenna on 0411 609 870.
What are local XR meetings for?
An Extinction Rebellion Inner West Local Group Meeting is a place were you can meet and connect with other people who feel like you - people who want urgent action on the environmental and climate crisis which is overtaking our society. This meeting will also be an opportunity for casual discussion about the issues and for working towards future actions against fossil fuel companies and organisations which are endangering our future and that of our children.
What is Extinction Rebellion
Extinction Rebellion is a global environmental movement which uses nonviolent civil disobedience to compel the government to take action on climate change and environmental crisis. We are non-political and welcome anyone who wants to act with us to prevent social and ecological collapse. Inner West Organisation Minutes