Lunch and Lobby @ Higher Ed Advocacy Day
Start: Thursday, March 21, 2019•11:00 AM
End: Thursday, March 21, 2019• 1:00 PM
Our Commonwealth would have to spend $574 million more a year to bring per pupil public higher education funding levels back to where they were in 2001.
The CHERISH Act would reaffirm the state’s commitment to public higher education by implementing the core finding of the 2014 Higher Education Finance Commission, resulting in more than $500 million in additional funding for public higher education.
How has this funding drop impacted you, your co-workers, your department, your students? We all have a story about how inadequate funding is effecting our campus community. Please join faculty and staff from campuses all over Massachusetts at the State House on March 21st. Your legislators need to hear from you!
Transportation, lunch and a brief training will be provided. Please include your home address when you register so that we can provide you with information about your Senator and Representative the day of the event.
This event is part of PHENOM's Public Higher Ed Advocacy Day, bringing together faculty, staff and students from across the Commonwealth to advocate for public higher education. To learn more about the full schedule of events click here.