Fair Share Maryland Rally
Start: Monday, March 18, 2024• 6:00 PM
End: Monday, March 18, 2024• 7:15 PM

Come to Annapolis to let our elected leaders know that it's time to pass the Fair Share Act. Let's ensure that the wealthiest Marylanders and big businesses are paying their fair share to fund schools, transportation, and the services we all need!
Come join us at the Fair Share Maryland Rally on Monday, March 18, at 6 p.m., Lawyers Mall, Annapolis, to rally for a more equitable tax system.
We've all been working hard to pass the Fair Share Maryland Act (HB 1007/SB 766). Now, it's time to turn up the pressure on the Maryland General Assembly.
We're hosting this rally to make sure our legislators know how critical it is to pass the Fair Share for Maryland Act this year.The Fair Share Maryland plan will raise sufficient revenue to support good schools, health care, transportation, and child care. Turn out to show your support and urge our legislators to pass the Fair Share for Maryland Act!
Register today for the event - and please bring a friend or two!