Faith Hub - The March to End Fossil Fuels
Start: Sunday, September 17, 2023•11:00 AM
On September 17th, people of faith and conscience will join the March to End Fossil Fuels in New York City, calling on President Biden to stop fossil fuel expansion and extraction.
The march will take place ahead of the UN Climate Ambition Summit – a first-of-its-kind meeting hosted by the United Nations Secretary General (UNSG) Antonio Guterres, who has announced that the ‘ticket to entry’ for world leaders is commitment to ending fossil fuel expansion. While the Biden administration continues to green-light mega-polluting fossil fuel projects, we are mobilizing around the summit to leverage as much national and international pressure as possible to call on Biden to change course. This is a critical moment for mass mobilization on fossil fuels that could move Biden towards stronger fossil fuel phase-out ahead of the 2024 election.
Sign up using the form on the right side of this page to join the Faith Hub for the mobilization.
We recognize this mobilization is planned for the second day of Rosh Hashanah. There were a number of factors that led the mobilization coordinators to choose this date, and they did not make this decision lightly. We deeply respect Jewish communities have different relationships with protest and social action during the High Holidays. We honor and affirm that many Jewish communities and organizations will be praying at this time and celebrate these observances.
September 17 Schedule -
11 AM - Multi-faith Invocation - on 53rd, between Broadway & 7th Ave
11:45 AM - Begin Faith Hub line-up
12:50 PM - Muslim mid-day prayer
(Approx) 1:15 PM - Begin march - end with a rally at 1st Ave and 49 St
4:30 - Rally program ends
Faith Hub Coordinators -
- Aly Tharp -
- Jim Gordon (New York) -
- Oluwatosin (Tosin) Kolawole (New Jersey) -
Faith Hub Captains -
- Metro NY Catholics - Nancy Lorence
- Unitarian Universalists - Rev. Peggy Clarke
- Rutgers Presbyterian Church - Charles Lindskoog
- Pennsylvania Interfaith Power and Light - Renika Weimer
- Faith Partners for the Planet (South Jersey) - Ruth Darlington
- New Jersey Eco Activists - Mark Lesko
- Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns - Susan Gunn
- Roosevelt, Long Island, Environmental Climate/ faith hub - Jerry Rivers
- Harvard Divinity School Hub - Eliza Rockefeller
- Congregation Beth Elohim - Margery Cooper, Emily Sachs, Miriam Weiner
- Rutgers Presbyterian Church - Carl Lindskoog
- Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns - Susan Gunn
- Muslim Community - Imam Saffet Catovic
- DC area faith community - Gabriela Martinez
- Queens Cares for Creation - Rev. Jeffrey Courter
- NYC Quakers - Katherine Alford & Yana Landowne
- Trinity Church Wall Street - David Ward
- Episcopals - Allegra Lovejoy & Phoebe Chatfield
Endorsing Faith Organizations
(in alphabetical order)
American Jewish World Service
Beacon Unitarian Universalist Congregation
BFUU Social Justice Committee
Brooklyn Society for Ethical Culture
Center for Earth Ethics
Central Bergen Circle of GreenFaith
Church of the Covenant, Boston
Church Women United in New York State
Community Church of New York
Eco Justice Collaborative of Phila. Yearly Meeting (Quakers)
Eco-Stewards Program
Environmental Justice Team, Unitarian Society of Ridgewood
Franciscan Response to Fossil Fuels
Green Muslims of New Jersey (GMNJ)
Greenfaith SoCO (Southern Colorado)
Greenwich Friends Meeting
Interfaith EarthKeepers
Interfaith Power & Light
Interfaith Power and Light (DC, MD, NoVa)
Jewish Voice for Peace Northern New Jersey
Jewish Voice for Peace NYC
Kentucky Interfaith Power and Light
Laudato Si Movement
Laudato Si Movement - Nigeria
Lutherans Restoring Creation
Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns
Massachusetts Interfaith Power & Light, Inc.
Metro NY Catholic Climate Movement
New Jersey Poor People's Campaign
New York Interfaith Power & Light
New York State Council of Churches
One Earth Sangha
Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary Center for Climate Justice & Faith
Pax Christi Metro New York
Pax Christi New York State
Pax Christi USA
Pennsylvania Interfaith Power & Light
Quaker Activism
Quaker Earthcare Witness
Rev. Billy and The Stop Shopping Choir
Rhode Island Poor People's Campaign
Rivers & Mountains GreenFaith
Sisters of Mercy of the Americas Justice Team
Swarthmore Friends Meeting (Quakers)
The People's Justice Council
The Unitarian Society, a Unitarian Universalist Congregation (East Brunswick, NJ)
Trenton Meeting of Friends - Peace and Social Concerns
Unitarian Universalist Association
Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth
Unitarian Universalists for Social Justice
United Women in Faith
UUFP Social Justice Committee
World Council of Churches