Fast for peace September 15
Start: Monday, September 14, 2020 at 10:00 PM GMT
End: Wednesday, September 16, 2020 at 1:00 PM GMT
This is a virtual event

Are you an American who doesn't feel represented by the Republican or Democratic parties? Do you love your country, but not the political gridlock? Do you want to see Washington DC deliver actual solutions? Are you in search of a way to actually influencing change which will improve millions of American lives?
The Phoenix Congress has a solution; unionize the electorate into a block of swing voters around a specific set of demands for change before the 2020 election. Our legislative demands have been sent to the thousand candidates for federal office; incumbents, including Donald Trump, who want our support are expected to act on it prior to the election.
Our crowd-sourced legislation, the Blueprint for a Better America, aims to reshape America’s social contract in a way which addresses Martin Luther King, Jr.'s triple evils: poverty, racism, and militarism. We can work across party lines to do this by reminding Americans of our Constitutional duties to each other.
The legislative package includes universal basic income of $1300/month for adults, and $433 for children. It reforms the criminal justice system and reduces the size of the US military. These are shovel-ready solutions that Americans can rally around.
We need your help to make this happen in 2020!
On September 15th, 2020, we will stand together (metaphorically speaking) as an American Union and, in the Gandhian tradition, observe a 24-hour #fastforpeace, consuming only water. (Gandhi recommended a dinner-to-dinner fast.) Days of fasting have roots in American history, going back to the Boston Tea Party. In 2020, it will place moral pressure on our candidates for office to do more for the marginalized millions.
By uniting to take real world, nonviolent action, we will prove our sincerity to candidates for federal office how serious we are about delivering solutions in 2020, and that we will hold them accountable for their actions in the upcoming election.
If you want to stand on the right side of history, this is the year to build a better America. We can end poverty, end mass incarceration, and end the endless wars. Add your pledge today for the fast for peace on September 15, 2020.
More information is at
Join the American Union here by donating $5 for the year with your pledge to fast for peace.