Feb. 6 Rally for Safety & Privacy
Start: Thursday, February 06, 2020•10:00 AM
End: Thursday, February 06, 2020•10:45 AM
Join us February 6th at 10 am for a rally at the capitol step in Olympia. We’re calling on state legislators to pass House Bill 1888, legislation that would prevent the public disclosure of state workers' birthdates.
This personally identifiable information along with a work and home address can be exploited by identity thieves, stalkers, and others who may want to target state employees.
HB 1888 would update our state's public disclosure law to protect state employees and their families while ensuring government transparency.
Despite the bill's provision to ensure government transparency and media access to information, the Seattle Times and others are pressuring lawmakers to kill the bill.
Join us February 6th at 10 am. In the meantime, contact your legislators at 1-855-657-9548. Tell them to bring HB 1888 up for a vote--and vote YES.
*Don't forget to wear your union shirt and bring a sign!
If you have questions or need information regarding transportation, contact the Member Connection Center at 833-MCC-WFSE.