#FireBannon: Jewish Resistance Against Trump

Start: Thursday, November 17, 2016 8:00 AM

Join IfNotNow and allies as we march to confront Donald Trump’s appointment of white supremacist Stephen Bannon to Chief Strategist.

Over the past 18 months, Donald Trump's campaign cultivated and spread racism, xenophobia, misogyny and an outpouring of anti-semitism unprecedented in the US in our lifetimes. In just the past ten days alone, his election has unleashed an unprecedented spike in violence, harassment and hate-crimes.

We should not be surprised that as he begins his transition into the presidency, much of this rhetoric is becoming reality. Among promising an increase in deportations, a Supreme court justice who opposes abortion, and a mandatory registry for Muslims, he has chosen Stephen Bannon, aself-proclaimed leader of the alt-right, as his Chief Strategist.

In his position at Breitbart, Bannon was the megaphone for anti-semitism, racism, and Muslim conspiracy theories. There should be no doubt that he will bring these ideologies inside of the White House. For the sake of all in our community and in others, we demand that Trump #FireBannon.

The Jewish community knows what it means to be vulnerable and have our identity be targeted. We know that state-sponsored violence is not a combustion of flames but a slow onset of sparks. We will not be silent as Trump stacks his administration with those who will endanger us as Jews along with Muslims, immigrants, women, and people of color.

Yet the leadership of some of our community’s largest institutions refuse to speak up against Trump, Bannon and their dangerous policies. Some have even defended Bannon on the grounds that he supports the right-wing Israeli government and the ongoing occupation of Palestine.

We will continue to speak loudly, at every step of the way, for our own safety as Jews and for the safety of others vulnerable to attack. We will be the leaders our communal institutions refuse to be.

Welcome to the #JewishResistance. Allies and friends welcome to join.

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