First Anniversary Women's March-Lamoni
Start: Saturday, January 20, 2018• 1:00 PM

On the anniversary weekend of the historic 2017 Women's March worldwide, everyone is invited back to the Iowa State Capitol to unite again with other grassroots groups to celebrate the spirit of resistance, renew a commitment to build a positive community, and show the unity and strength of all Iowans.
If you cannot attend in Washington D.C. or Des Moines, join like-minded people in Lamoni at 1:00 P.M. on January 20th at the Coliseum to hold our be seen and heard. We the people must hold our elected representatives accountable.
The world needs the energy of caring people to make a difference. Bring your hats. Bring your signs. Bring your friends.
Partners: Wired for Action, Women's March Iowa, Indivisible Iowa-SD 14 HD 27/28, One Iowa Action, Our Revolution Iowa, Planned Parenthood Voters of Iowa, Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement, Interfaith Alliance of Iowa