Food is good.
Start: Sunday, June 16, 2024• 4:00 PM
End: Sunday, June 16, 2024• 6:00 PM
Share good vegan food, recipes & conversation with people who care about climate change (and write a short letter to your parliamentary candidates)!
We're running this a bit like a speed dating event, where you change who you sit with frequently in order to talk to a range of people, and then at the end we'll do a speed letter writing session.
- Make a favourite plant based dish or cake (or if you can't cook then just come without food)
- Bring it & the recipe to our swap & meet event.
- Try new foods while chatting to new people - and take away new ideas for foods to make!
- Don't worry if you can't make and bring food - sign up and come anyway.
This event is part of the ArtBeat24 festival, Great Big Green Week and our #WarmHomesLeics campaign.