Nagasaki Conference For a Nuclear Weapon-Free, Peaceful and Just World August 8-9, Tokyo, Japan

Start: Wednesday, August 08, 2018 9:00 AM

End: Thursday, August 09, 2018 9:00 PM

Brief Schedule of the World Conference:

August 2-4: International Meeting

August 4-6: World Conference – Hiroshima
Aug. 4: Opening Plenary
Aug. 5: Forum & Workshops
Aug. 6: Closing Plenary

August 8-9: Nagasaki Conference
Aug. 8: Forum
Aug. 9: Nagasaki Day Rally

This summer will mark the 73rd anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We cordially call on all of you to give support to and participate in the 2018 World Conference against A and H Bombs (August 2-4: International Meeting; August 4-6: Hiroshima Conference; August 8-9: Nagasaki Conference) with the theme: “For a Nuclear Weapon-Free, Peaceful and Just World)

We now stand at the new stage in History toward achieving a world without nuclear weapons. The adoption of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons that makes nuclear weapons illegal in express terms presents a new vision for creating a nuclear weapon-free world. Also, the role of the Hibakusha (A-bomb survivors) and civil society played in achieving this treaty has been recognized worldwide with growing international attention, as seen in the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to ICAN (International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons) and the meeting of Pope with the Hibakusha.

“Humanity and nuclear weapons cannot coexist.” “These weapons are not a necessary evil; they are the ultimate evil.” (Setsuko Thurlow at the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize Ceremony)Now is the time to spread the voices of the Hibakusha across the world, and move forward from the prohibition to the elimination of nuclear weapons. This year’s World Conference will be a rallying point for the anti-nuclear peace movements of Japan and the world and the representatives of the United Nations and national/local governments to present future perspectives for a world without nuclear weapons.Let us work together to achieve a great success of this historic conference.


To this day, the World Conference has developed as the forum for proposing and setting out joint efforts and cooperation among anti-nuclear peace movements and the U.N. and national governments aiming to achieve a nuclear weapon-free world. The participation of the U.N. High Representative for Disarmament Affairs Nakamitsu Izumi in the 2017 World Conference and the message of solidarity received from Ambassador Elayne Whyte, President of the negotiation conference of the Prohibition Treaty showed their high appreciation to our movement. This year’s World Conference will likely draw greater attention than previous years, as seen in inquiries and requests from international anti-nuclear movements about their participation in the conference.

Achieving a successful 2018 World Conference has a great significance for enhancing international opinion calling for the entry into force of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, inter alia, for developing the movements in the nuclear weapon states and their allies to urge their governments to sign and ratify the treaty, and for making major progress to achieve a total ban and elimination of nuclear weapons.


For attaining a nuclear weapon-free world, we must overcome all challenges to this goal. North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs and heightened military tension between the U.S. and North Korea clearly show the grave danger of confrontation involving nuclear force. The U.S. Trump Administration in its newly announced Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) shows its increased willingness to use nuclear weapons and is accelerating new nuclear armament. We firmly refuse such moves that run counter to the present momentum for a nuclear weapon-free world and may lead to catastrophic consequences like Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Now that an overwhelming majority of national governments and civil society organizations are in favor of the Treaty to prohibit nuclear weapons, the nuclear-armed states are driven into isolation.We must make the 2018 World Conference a place where we discuss together how to overcome the clinging of the nuclear-armed states and their allies to “nuclear deterrence” and open up perspectives for advancing the elimination of nuclear weapons.


What is now required of the Japanese peace movement is to fundamentally change the direction of the government of this country. Despite having the peace Constitution established based on its lessons from Hiroshima-Nagasaki calamity, the Japanese government continues to embrace the nuclear policy of the U.S. under its “nuclear umbrella” and turns its back to the nuclear prohibition treaty.In order to carry out the international responsibility of the Japanese movement, we cordially call on the domestic organizations and individuals to endorse and participate in the World Conference.

The World Conference has upheld the three fundamental goals to abolish nuclear weapons, prevent nuclear war and support the Hibakusha in solidarity.  As seen in its theme, “For a Nuclear Weapon-Free, Peaceful and Just World”, it is a forum for deepening solidarity among a broad range of people from the world who work for the opposition to war and for peace and achieving justice in economy and society.

For the Japanese peace movement, the World Conference will be the place where we will urge the government of Japan to break away from the “nuclear umbrella”, to support, sign and ratify the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, and to take initiatives to achieve the ban and elimination of nuclear weapons. Diversified range of movements will rally there to join their forces in solidarity. They include campaigns to block Abe’s attempt to change Article 9 of the Constitution; abrogate the Security Laws (War Laws) and revive constitutionalism; stop the construction of a new military base at Henoko, Okinawa; close all nuclear power plants; advocate people’s living and welfare system; and eliminate social gaps and poverty.

The International Hibakusha Appeal Signature Campaign, with the aim of achieving signatures from hundreds of millions of people around the world by 2020, is gaining ground and taken up by local governments and communities, beyond the difference of movements. In the Nagasaki Resolution of the 2017 World Conference against A and H Bombs, based on the development of cooperation between the citizens’ movements, we called on the people to step into forming a new broader cooperation of the people.The advance of joint struggles between the citizens’ movement and opposition parties in national elections has brought about the emerging of the Citizens’ Actions at different parts of Japan, and they are promoting the “petition campaign for the protection of Article 9 of the Constitution”.With an aim to move forward from the prohibition to abolition of nuclear weapons, we call on the people to build up unity among the Japanese people, overcoming past complications or barriers.


We are sending out our heartfelt appeal to achieve a success of the historic World Conference. Let us listen to the voices of the Hibakusha and make known to the world the damage and aftereffects of the A-bombing, and develop massive cooperation befitting the goal set for the “International Hibakusha Appeal Signature Campaign”. We will hold a successful Nationwide Peace March, marking its 60th anniversary. Let us bring the results of these movements to Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August. In local communities, workplaces and school campuses, let us learn the present situation of and future perspectives for a world without nuclear weapons, and set about preparing for joining and sending your representatives to the 2018 World Conference against A and H Bombs.

Organizing Committee, World Conference against A and H Bombs

c/o Japan Council against A & H Bombs (Gensuikyo)

2-4-4 Yushima, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo

113-8464 Japan

Tel: +81-3-5842-6034 Fax: +81-3-5842-6033


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Tryon NC, United Kingdom