"For People For Planet" Rally and March: Trade Justice Contingent

Start: Friday, April 19, 202412:00 PM

The World Bank -- which is covering up an abuse scandal, financing dirty fossil fuel investments, and refusing to address the damage it has wrought on frontline communities across the Global South -- will be meeting in Washington, DC.

The mobilization is part of a coordinated international effort to hold the World Bank accountable and demand follow through on commitments to transparency, human rights, and climate action (See forpeopleforplanet.earth for more info).

One of the many problems with the World Bank: It is the venue for the majority of Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) attacks on climate, health and other public interest policies.

ISDS gives corporations the power to challenge everything from environmental regulations to court decisions aimed at protecting workers' rights – all over the world.

Join Public Citizen in the Trade Justice contingent at the April 19 mobilization to call out the World Bank’s role in ISDS and urge countries worldwide to abandon this form of corporate colonization.