Free Abortion, On Demand, Without Apology: Building a Mass Movement for Reproductive Justice

Start: Friday, May 13, 2022 7:00 PM

The Supreme Court is poised to fully overturn Roe v. Wade which would end abortion as a constitutionally-protected right. As soon as they overturn Roe v. Wade, “trigger” laws in 21 states will immediately go into affect, criminalizing abortion. All is not lost: Congress could pass a federal law enshrining a woman’s right to an abortion. In fact, Democrats control the House, Senate, and White House, a trifecta that could allow them to keep abortion legal.

We know that people in power will concede nothing with a demand.

We don’t just want “legal” abortion– we want free abortion on demand without apology.

We need a mass movement to secure our radical demands.

But what does that look like? What strategies can we use to build a mass movement?

What can we learn from socialist feminists like Jenny Brown who have organized 100,000 women in Florida to prevent draconian abortion bans? What can we learn from feminists around the world in Ireland, Argentina, Chile, Poland, and Mexico who are building mass feminist movements to secure, among other things, a right to an abortion?  

Socialist feminists in the US and around the world have long waged successful struggles to realize the legal right to abortion. Yet, when socialist feminists talk about ‘choice’, we mean something more than purely legal freedom.

Join this socialist feminist teach-in to learn about models of democratic organization and action to defend our legal right to abortion, and go beyond this to win a world where ‘choice’ means both the right to not have children, as well as the right to have children who have access to healthcare, housing, and quality caregiving.

For this event, we are inviting attendees to read "No More Compromise on Abortion," an interview with Jenny Brown featured in Jacobin. While reading the article is not necessary to attend the event, we will be drawing from themes introduced in it.