Free Ahed: Jewish High School Students Speak Out

Start: 2018-01-31 17:30:00 UTC Eastern Time (US & Canada) (GMT-05:00)

This is a virtual event

On January 31st, Ahed Tamimi, a 16 year-old Palestinian girl will be put on trial for twelve counts of assault against Israeli soldiers — that day is also her 17th birthday.

Ahed was detained after armed soldiers raided her house in the middle of the night, just days after her 15 year old cousin was shot by an Israeli soldier with a rubber bullet at close range, and had to undergo surgery to remove part of his skull. Multiple Israeli politicians, including Naftali Bennett, have publicly stated that she — as well as her mother and cousin (both detained at the same time as Ahed, though her cousin is now free) — should spend the rest of her life in jail.

We must fight back against these extreme threats and show Ahed that the American Jewish community stands with her. Let's show those who dehumanize Ahed that there is a global movement that will fight until all Palestinian teenagers like Ahed don't have to spend their childhood facing the brutal reality of the Occupation on a daily basis.

No child should have to be subjected to the daily atrocities of the Occupation, let alone the dehumanization of military court and prison. But unfortunately, Ahed is just one of over 300 Palestinian children in Israeli detention facilities.

On January 31st, Jewish teens in cities around the country will speak up to free Ahed!

There will be rallies in New York, DC, Boston, and maybe more at 5:30 PM! #FreeAhed #NoBirthdayBehindBars #WeWillBeTheGeneration

Will you join us there?

Event by
Nathan Young
West Hartford, Connecticut
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