Free Black Mama’s Healing and Empowerment Rally: Celebrating Minority Mental Health Awareness Month
Start: Saturday, July 08, 2023• 6:00 PM

Join us on July 8th for the Free Black Mama’s Healing & Empowerment Rally to celebrate National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month. Over the last several years we have been working to free incarcerated Black mamas and to provide them with legal, social, and emotional support. We have partnered with the Black Mental Health Initiative in order to provide much-needed mental health support and resources for these Black mamas and their children.
For far too long the mental health of Black families, especially those who have faced traumatic experiences, including incarceration have been ignored and pushed to the side. The historical impacts of bias, discrimination, racial violence, institutional racism, suppression, and systemic issues have had a detrimental impact on the mental health of the Black community.
We are raising awareness and working to fill this void. We know that when people can get what they need, our communities can thrive. Join us as we celebrate National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month with a call to action to support the establishment of Kansas City’s first-ever Healing & Empowerment center that will provide culturally responsive care to community members.
Come and rally with us for a Healing & Empowerment Center!!! Learn about our ongoing work to gain local reparations and our push for a reproductive justice ballot initiative.
The event starts at 6:00. We'll have a short rally at 6:30.
Free Raffle, Food /Vegan options, Cold drinks, Bubbles, CHALK, Music & Fun!!!
This event is accessible