Start: 2016-07-17 19:30:00 UTC Eastern Time (US & Canada) (GMT-05:00)

End: 2016-07-17 21:00:00 UTC Eastern Time (US & Canada) (GMT-05:00)

This is a virtual event

Some of the largest problems with free trade agreements are the impacts they have on Climate and the environment. Under NAFTA’s Chapter 11, TransCanada is suing the United States for halting the Keystone XL Pipeline for loss of expected future profits. Lone Pine Resources, a U.S. oil corporation, is challenging Quebec over its fracking ban under the NAFTA ISDS chapter.  

All across the country, and the world, pipelines are being forced through indigenous lands, and eminent domain suits filed, with oil and gas infrastructure taking precedence over people and the planet. Warnings about climate chaos, poisoned waters and drought have zero effect on the regulatory agencies charged with protecting our sensitive geology, waters, and the air we breathe.

Those who represent us enable rubber stamp agencies and the irreparable damage handed down by Wall Street traders who fund their campaigns, to enable fracking and oil and gas projects that mostly end up leaving our country for free trade partners, under legal protection of the Investor State Dispute Settlement process. This partnership between the oil and gas industry lobbyists, the U.S. Trade Rep, and free trade partners is destroying the planet and must be stopped, which is why we're opposing the TPP, TTIP, and other coming free trade deals.  

Trade Justice Alliance welcomes Environmental Attorney, Maya K van Rossum, the Delaware Riverkeeper, and leader of the Delaware Riverkeeper Network. Maya conducts litigation, organizes citizens and testifies before state and national legislative bodies in her sworn duty to protect the Delaware River and its tributaries.

We also welcome John S. Quarterman, President, WWALS Watershed Coalition, the Waterkeeper Alliance Affiliate for the Upper Suwannee River. WWALS fought a four-month legal case to try to stop Florida permits for Spectra Energy's Sabal Trail fracked methane pipeline, and was among the groups that persuaded the Georgia legislature to deny Sabal Trail river-drilling easements.

Also joining us will be Patrick Woodall, Research Director and Senior Policy Advocate for Food & Water Watch discussing the recent case for TPP and fracking at the DNC Platform Committee meetings in Orlando and the TransCanada ISDS case against the U.S. for halting the Keystone XL Pipeline;

Dr. Margaret Flowers will also join us as we connect the dots between extreme energy infrastructure’s relationship to free trade deals like TPP, TTIP, and the March for a Clean Energy Revolution at the Democratic National Convention in Philly July 24th.

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Homosassa, Florida