" Freedom from Fear through Civic Engagement" A Community Conference and Gallery Talk

Start: Saturday, September 08, 201810:30 AM

End: Saturday, September 08, 2018 4:30 PM

On Saturday, September 8, 2018, The Virginia Coalition of Latino Organizations (VACOLAO), The Virginia Latino Leaders Council (VLLC) and The Chrysler Museum of Art in Norfolk, VA, invite you to attend:

"Freedom from Fear through Civic Engagement" a Community Conference and Gallery Talk

This community and leadership conference is FREE, non partisan, and brings together high profile state and local organizations to talk about issues of importance, and to encourage voting participation, action and collaboration in our community.

Registration and networking begins at 10:30 am. Conference starts at 11:00 am. The "Freedom from Fear" Gallery Tour is at 2 pm.  

Thanks to the sponsorship of VACOLAO and VLLC, the suggested donation for those that want to order lunch in advance is $20.00 dollars. Have your organization or group join us in partnership by having 10 or more people to register and attend, and receive a 50% discount on lunch orders. You are welcome to make arrangements for your lunch separately . Lunch can be purchased at the cafe on the premises.  Organizations attending will be recognized during the program .

Please send payment to pre order your lunch using this link: https://www.paypal.me/United4Action?ppid=PPC000628&cnac=US&rsta=en_US(en_US)&cust=HDUZWG49RM2ES&unptid=e26745e8-9a03-11e8-a4ea-441ea1470e54&t=&cal=4ed1c704c08b&calc=4ed1c704c08b&calf=4ed1c704c08b&unp_tpcid=ppme-social-user-profile-created&page=main:email&pgrp=main:email&e=op&mchn=em&s=ci&mail=sys

If you don't have paypal, we'll use the honor system. Simply please call us or send us an e-mail stating that you will pay at the door: Ph: 757-619-5726. E-mail: bmexart@aol.com

Reception from 3:30 to 4:30 to pm, ends our conference and is open to all.

We look forward to see you on September 8th!!

Event by
Virginia Beach, Virginia