Freedom to Leave Act Hearing
Start: Tuesday, February 27, 2024• 6:30 PM
End: Tuesday, February 27, 2024• 9:00 PM
Join us in-person at the public hearing for Bill 2-24, the Freedom to Leave Act. We will gather at the 3rd floor lobby at 6:30 pm. Please note that there will no longer be a dinner at 6, so you are encouraged to eat dinner beforehand. There will be snacks and signs provided.
As you may remember, the Maryland Attorneys General released an opinion saying that the council could not pass the STEP Act provision prohibit minor traffic stops (for now), so Councilmember Jawando introduced the Freedom to Leave Act to proceed with the STEP Act's ban on consent searches. Consent searches are when a police officer gets your permission to search your car, even when they have no reason to suspect that you've done a crime. Banning consent searches will remove one of the reasons why officers stop drivers, rebuild trust with police, and reduce racial disparities in traffic enforcement.