Fresno Demands DREAM Act in Spending Bill

Start: Monday, December 04, 201712:30 PM

Fresno is taking the fight for a CLEAN Dream to the doorstep of SENATOR DIANNE FEINSTEIN!

We will meet outside the federal building (her office is inside), which is off of Tulare and P Street. You could park at City Hall and walk over, if desired.

It doesn’t matter if you have zero experience advocating for immigration reform, and it doesn’t matter if have never been a part of a political movement. All you need to be successful in this fight is a commitment to the cause. We will provide you with the tools, resources, and knowledge to be a critical organizer in helping get the support we need to pass the Clean DREAM Act in the upcoming spending bill.

Make sure to join our team on slack to help us plan our action!


Event by
Clovis, California