From Activist to "Terrorist" - Anti-Corporate Campaigning, Civil Liberties, and State Repression - Featuring Jake Conroy

Start: Friday, March 04, 2022 6:30 PM

Politics as usual is killing the climate and all of us in it. We need hardscrabble campaigns, grassroots organizing and bold and effective direct action to fight it. We need disruption on a mass scale. Oil companies, coal companies, timber companies all fight back. And they are backed by every level of government. So, we also need to prepare for the inevitable backlash from the state.

We're going to be hosting a series of talks and trainings this year focused on effective campaigns and bold action for climate justice. Our first talk will feature our dear comrade and long time direct action organizer Jake Conroy. We're excited to host him in the Bay Area on March 4th.

Jake will speak about his involvement in effective direct action campaigns, and the repression they experienced from the US government and corporate investigators.  And he'll share thoughts, ideas, and strategies for waging effective actions that build long-term movements for transformative change.

Doors open at 6:30pm, and the talk with start at 7pm sharp. The space is indoors/outdoors, so please dress warmly and wear a mask.

Donations appreciated, sliding scale of $5-$15, no one turned away for lack of funds.

About Jake

Jake Conroy is a long-time activist, designer, and writer currently residing in Seattle, WA USA.  He helped organize and participated in successful local, regional, national and international pressure campaigns. He also helped build the foundation of SHAC USA, considered one of the most successful grassroots animal rights campaigns in history. In a high-profile legal case dubbed the SHAC 7, Jake and his nonviolent co-defendants were ultimately sentenced to 4 years in federal prison under a bizarre anti-activism "terrorism" statute. In 2019, the Joaquin Phoenix produced documentary, The Animal People, was released detailing the campaign and the controversial court case.

Currently, Jake works at the Rainforest Action Network, an international organization using pressure campaigns to stop rainforest deforestation, fossil fuel extraction, and support human rights.  He can be found pontificating online as the Cranky Vegan, where he irritates everyone with his thoughts on the tactics, strategies and optics of the grassroots animal rights movement.

Co-Sponsored by Diablo Rising Tide, Oil and Gas Action Network, and the Green and Red Podcast.