Frontline Solidarity: A Mass Deportation Briefing & Fight-Back Training for Union Organizers and Activists

Start: Friday, April 04, 2025 9:00 AM

End: Friday, April 04, 2025 2:00 PM

Location:Seattle Labor Temple5030 1st Ave S, Seattle, WA 98134 US

Join us April 4, 2025 from 9a-2p at the Seattle Labor Temple for this timely immigration briefing and fight-back workshop for union organizers and activists defending immigrant workers. Briefing is 9-10am, training is 10:30a-2:00pm.

This training seeks to equip labor and community organizers and advocates with the necessary information to navigate escalating attacks on immigrant workers and their families and equip them with tools to fight back. It includes Know Your Rights information, best practices for unions to implement, model contract language, as well as specific guidance related to a range of policy changes and enforcement actions we must expect as part of the mass deportation agenda. Those who attended our January 23 frontline solidarity training are welcome to attend the briefing before the training begins.

The training is hosted by MLK Labor in collaboration with the AFL-CIO, Fair Work Center, and the Washington State Labor Council.

Spaces are limited so RSVP today!

ADA accessible entryway and door. Event is hosted on the ground floor of the building.
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