Fuel For Thought: Oil and War

Start: 2024-06-20 18:30:00 UTC British Summer Time (GMT+01:00)

End: 2024-06-20 20:00:00 UTC British Summer Time (GMT+01:00)

A link to attend this virtual event will be emailed upon RSVP

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Fuel For Thought

from fuel poverty to climate justice

Fuel For Thought is a series of monthly collective learning sessions run by Fuel Poverty Action. A space to share research and lived experience, tackle lies, clear up confusion and answer questions.

Session 9: Oil and War. Thursday June, 20, 6.30pm.

Many people are being displaced and killed, due to wars related to sources of energy. Oil and gas fuel and fund military power and in turn, guns and troops are used to capture and defend energy resources, and the huge revenues they represent. This vicious partnership sustains our dependence on dirty and unaffordable fossil fuels and impoverishes populations, north and south - consuming vast resources that could go to health, housing, and transition to a green economy.

At our ninth educational session we’ll be exploring the relation between energy, war and fuel poverty with a special interest in Palestine and how to stop the cycle of violence.

Key Questions we'll be answering include:

  • What is the true cost of oil?
  • What is the meaning of the words “British interests”?
  • What are the facets of the relationship between military power and energy?
  • Are oil and energy relevant in the subjugation and mass killing of Palestinians?
  • What can we do to move away from perpetual conflict driven by a thirst for energy?

Confirmed speakers include:

  • Adam Hanieh - Professor of Political Economy and Global Development at IAIS, University of Exeter, author and co-editor of five books. His latest, 'Crude Capitalism:Oil, Corporate Power, and the Making of the World Market' is due for publication on 17 September 2024.
  • Energy Embargo For Palestine / Disrupt Power - British-based anti-imperialist climate collective seeking to disrupt energy flow for the isolation of Zionism.
  • Shereen Talaat - Founder and Director of MENAFEM movement for economic, development and ecological justice.
  • Ken Henshaw - Nigerian climate and environment rights campaigner, We The People.

+ more to be announced

This project is unfunded. While the sessions are free, donations to the project are warmly appreciated (please specify  'for Fuel For Thought') and will enable us to broaden the reach and scope of the sessions

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