Funeral For Earth's Future

Start: Thursday, April 22, 2021 2:00 PM

Facebook Event here -

? 2:00-2:30pm: Assemble at Soundscape Park

? 2:30pm-3:30pm: Funeral Procession on Lincoln Rd, with coffin.

? 3:45-5:00pm: Soundscape festivities- music, food & speakers.

? 5:00pm - crowd decides (other events nearby)

BRING: masks, (black & white or) formal funeral attire, or corpse makeup, signs about a dying Earth, flowers, musical instruments, water bottles, and friends!

Tell the Truth and Act as if the Truth is Real. One of Extinction Rebellion's core tenants is to break-through the narrative that climate disaster can be handled easily- instead, emphasizing the rigorous science that indicates a total Climate Emergency and existential threat to humankind (beyond the 1 million species threatened, & 680 we've already killed off).

Recognizing the true depth of the climate & ecological crisis (Extinction) imbues one with duty to prevent this with all means necessary (Rebellion).To express our grief and demonstrate the urgency of this issue, we will gather for a Funeral for the Future.

Starting and ending at Soundscape park-

we'll also have music, food, & festivities before a send off for Nick's 800 mile Climate Pilgrimage to Tallahasee by foot.

XR sign-up -