Gearing up for Autumn: FPA September meeting

Start: 2023-09-07 18:30:00 UTC British Summer Time (GMT+01:00)

End: 2023-09-07 20:00:00 UTC British Summer Time (GMT+01:00)

A link to attend this virtual event will be emailed upon RSVP

Roofs and power station with FPA logo

All are warmly invited to September's Fuel Poverty Action meeting - whether you are a longstanding member or looking to get involved in our upcoming campaigns and events.

Please register by 5pm on Wednesday 6th September to receive the meeting link.

Here is the draft agenda:

FPA Monthly Meeting, 6.30pm September 7th 2023

6.30 - Welcome (back) and check-ins

Share your name, pronouns and something you enjoyed this summer

6.40 - Presentation of e4a strategy
- Plans for mobilisations and introduction to new e4a working group
- Plans for Unite for Energy for All
- Plans for influencing policy

7.00 - FPA’s first local hub!

7.05 - Plan for 'Oily Money Out' (shutting down the Oil & Money Conference)

7.15 - Update on XR London’s Good Cop/Bad Cop assembly  

7.20 - Launching soon: FPA's online education programme! What should we call these sessions?

7.25 - Discussion on disconnections, long waits for reconnection, and inadequate penalties for energy suppliers

7.40 AOB / Coming events / Wrap Up

Petitions and surveys:
National Energy Guarantee (Deadline Friday 1st September)
Debt Justice's People's Manifesto (Deadline 2nd September)  

More upcoming events:

Debt Justice's People's Manifesto event (September 2nd)
Friends of the Earth: United for Warm Homes (Training sessions start in the first week of September, the Day of Action is on November 18th)

The Global Fight Against Fossil Fuels (September 15th-17th)
Debt Justice National Activist Gathering (Bristol) (September 16th)
Unite for Energy For All meeting (September 26th) For Unite Community Members - for info, email

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