Get Into Action Workshop

Start: Sunday, March 13, 202211:00 AM

End: Sunday, March 13, 2022 3:00 PM

It's time to step up and make some noise. We need to put pressure on our government and on the fossil fuel companies to start seeing some real changes. Time is running out and we need to start thinking BIGGER and BOLDER than ever!

That's where you come in! Have you got an amazing idea for an action? We want to hear from you. It doesn't matter if it's only the faintest wisp of a plan we'll help you workshop it into something game changing. Whether it's theatrical, artsy, musical , or arrestable we want to hear it. It doesn't matter who you want to target or what what want to do, as long as it fits in with our 10 principles and values.

Come along to our Get Into Action Workshop on the 13th of March to have your voice heard.

Get in touch with our Action Working Group beforehand to flesh out your idea first and ensure its ready to present on the day. Contact us at or through internal channels.
Where: Earthwise, Subiaco
When: Sunday March 13th
Time: 11 - 3
Snacks and some food provided but please feel free to bring along a plate to share if you'd like to


Please make sure you have your proof of vax and are wearing a mask in this venue. Also please stay home if you're feeling unwell or have been in contact with a case.