Get out the Vote by Mail for the Wisconsin Judicial Elections

Start: Friday, March 22, 201910:00 AM

End: Friday, March 22, 201912:00 PM

Wisconsin is among the worst states in the country for gerrymandering its voting districts to favor the GOP. Now there's a unique opportunity to begin the change: a special election on April 2nd for a vacant seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court. If the more liberal candidate wins, the liberal wing of the court will have a chance to gain majority control in 2020. Gaining a majority on the court is essential to safeguard a fair redistricting process after the 2020 census. A win by the conservative candidate would expand the conservative majority on the court to 5-2 and leave intact the current unfair gerrymandering.

Come help us get out the vote in Wisconsin. We'll have everything you need to write about 20 get-out-the vote letters, including pens, letters and envelopes, addresses, and stamps--plus some snacks and drinks! (We will welcome contributions for postage and supplies.) We hope to see you here! Onward! --Dianne and Marty

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