Global Climate Strike in DC

Start: Friday, September 24, 2021 1:00 PM

NOW IS THE TIME to tell Congress how you feel about their climate inaction!   On Friday, September 24th, youth in Washington, DC will join activists around the world for the largest Fridays for Future's Global Climate Strike yet.  

Join us at 1:00 PM in on the corner of Third St and Madison Dr NW (the grassy area in front of the Capitol reflecting pool) for a demonstration with signs, chants, speakers, and a die-in.

OUR DEMANDS: that the US Congress pass a comprehensive $3.5 trillion climate bill with a Civilian Climate Corps through the budget reconciliation process in the Senate, to invest in a just and sustainable future.   We are also demanding that President Biden use his presidential powers to declare a climate emergency and stop the Line 3 pipeline immediately.  It’s time for the US to take responsibility for the harm it has caused to the areas currently experiencing the worst effects of climate change. This could be the last chance to take meaningful action on climate change, and we will not let it go to waste!

#GlobalClimateStrike #SchoolStrikeForClimate #UprootTheSystem #FridaysforFuture

Volunteer for this event here!

This event is being organized by the Sunrise Movement at American University and Fridays for Future USA.  Please contact Magnolia Mead with any questions.

Event by
Magnolia Mead
Washington, District of Columbia