GND101: Learning & Art Activism Party for the Green New Deal

Start: Wednesday, April 22, 202012:00 PM

End: Wednesday, April 22, 2020 1:00 PM

US Dept. of Arts & Culture -

On April 22-24, the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, millions of people around the world are going online for a three-day mobilization to stop the climate emergency.

***GND101: Learning & Art Activism Party for the Green New Deal
(12:00PM-1:00PM EST):

We will kick off our Earth Day celebration through an interactive learning livestream about the Green New Deal as a holistic vision for a just transition! Then, we will begin to connect our own stories to this future, answering the questions: What is the Green New Deal? Why does it matter? How can we make it happen? We will check out some art and performances, and make our own art to share the vision with our communities.

GND102: Green New Deal Justice Goals & Storytelling
(7:00PM-8:00PM EST):

We will move into our second livestream by spiritually grounding ourselves in connection to the land and our ancestors, led by indigenous communities. We will delve into the justice components of the Green New Deal, sharing how it prioritizes people, especially frontline and vulnerable communities. From this reflection on our past, present, and desired future, we will each begin to tell our own stories. Through writing (with prompts) and art (begun in the first hour), we will imagine our progress together with the Green New Deal as a visionary framework.


Join our #DigitalStrike by answering one of the prompts with your photo story:

  1. “What does climate justice mean to you?”

  2. “I’m working for a Green New Deal because…”

Post your picture with the hashtags:
#digitalstrikeATL, #DigitalStrike #EarthDayLive, #art4climate, #ClimateJustice, and #GreenNewDeal and tag @BetheGreenUS @atlantafortheplanet @fff.gatech (and others)

Check out existing art for inspiration! Also consider joining the art competition!