Goodbye to winter! Bedford big action day.

Start: Sunday, February 26, 202310:30 AM

End: Sunday, February 26, 2023 5:00 PM

Activists out in all weathers all year round Bedford photomontage

To celebrate the end of winter and mark the start of a busy spring campaigning, Bedford Green Party will be holding a big action day.

Bedford Green Party has realistic and well worked-out election plans that will transform how Greens can influence the council. The plans, if they work, should stop the council from getting decisions through without Green scrutiny - at present there are too many decisions for our Green councillors to keep an eye on, and even when issues are spotted, the Green councillors can't always force scrutiny of them. At present Greens have been kept off the Environment committee. At present, too often the council can claim 'there are no climate consequences' or 'there are no equalties implications' when there really are. All that can change after May's elections.  

The venue will be within easy walking distance of both Bedford's Rail and bus stations, but if you're coming by car, there is on-street parking, and we can provide parking vouchers if you ask immediately on arrival.

We are organising a variety of activities to cope with a variety of capabilities. Our base for the day has a single step up to the door, but closer-to-level access is available round the back and there are no internal steps.