Gorge Womxn's March 2018
Start: Saturday, January 20, 2018•11:00 AM
End: Saturday, January 20, 2018• 2:00 PM

In January 2018, thousands of womxn, femmes and allies will come together to celebrate the one-year anniversary of the Womxn’s March and to launch our collective 2018 Womxn’s March agenda: #PowerToThe Polls.
We, in THE DALLES, OREGON, are organizing another fierce, fantastic Womxn's March on Saturday, January 20th, 2018, from 11am-2pm for the Womxn's March anniversary weekend. Gorge ReSisters will be hosting in collaboration with many other local groups.
Our focus will be on our community and the powerful #MeToo and #PowerToThePolls campaigns.
We will begin at 11am with tables from many local resources, causes and campaigns, such as Blue Zones, Healthcare and Measure 101, local shelters, grassroots organizing groups like Columbia Gorge Women's Action Network (CGWAN), The Dalles Air Coalition (TDAC) and Gorge ICE Resistance. We welcome clinics, hospitals, businesses and social service agencies to join us as well!! Community Matters!
We will have speakers beginning at 1145am and we begin our march at 1230pm!!
From the original Womxn’s March to Gorge ICE Resistance, we’ve seen how powerful we are when we gather together, share space and information and lift each other up. Womxn’s March Chapters are organizing exciting state-specific anniversary events throughout the anniversary weekend, from marches to legislative actions to community events to voter registration drives......because we get it done!!
Together, we will show this administration and the world that womxn are strong, fierce persistent and we are not backing down. WE ARE THE STORM....WE LEAVE LIGHT IN OUR WAKE.
Join The Gorge Womxn's March 2018 in The Dalles for the first anniversary of our Womxn's March!!