Gramsci January Reading Group – 2023

Start: 2023-01-28 13:00:00 UTC Eastern Standard Time (US & Canada) (GMT-05:00)

End: 2023-01-28 15:00:00 UTC Eastern Standard Time (US & Canada) (GMT-05:00)

This is a virtual event

**Update: January 21 session will now be virtual only** — RSVP to receive link the day of.

This January 2023, join North Brooklyn DSA Political Education and Friends for GRAMSCI JANUARY.

Antonio Gramsci is one of those thinkers who are more often cited than read. Terms like "hegemony" and "Fordism" have entered popular speech but not always with full awareness of their origins in his writing. And he's sometimes treated only as an analyst of ideology without acknowledging the attention he also paid to the role of political organization and force. For four Saturdays in January (Jan. 7, 14, 21, 28, from 1–2:30pm), we'll be discussing these themes in Gramsci's work and how they could sharpen our analysis of the present and our strategy for changing the world.

We encourage participants to pick up a hard copy of Selections from the Prison Notebooks by Antonio Gramsci, Quintin Hoare, Geoffrey Nowell Smith (International Publishers Co., 1971). A pdf version is also available here, with pdf text selections at readings.


January 7 - The Study of Philosophy (321-343); Supplemental/Encouraged: Introduction to Selections from the Prison Notebooks (x-xcvi)

January 14 - Selections from The Modern Prince: "Brief notes on Machiavelli’s politics" (125-133); "The Political Party" (147-157); "Some Theoretical and Practical Consequences of ‘Economism’" (158-168); Prediction and Perspective" (169-173); "Analysis of Situations. Relations of Force" (175-190).

January 21 - Hegemony, Wars of Position and Maneuver—Selections from State & Civil Society: “Observations on Certain Aspects of the Structure of Political Parties in Times of Organic Crisis” (210-218); “Political Struggle and Military War” (229-238); “The Transition from the War of Maneuver to the War of Position” (238-239); “The State” (257-264); “Organization of National Societies” (264-265); “Who is a Legislator?” (265-266); “State and Parties” (267-268); “Wave of Materialism and Crisis of Authority” (275-276).

January 28 - The Legacy of Antonio Gramsci, in conversation with Vijay Prashad: The Formation of Intellectuals (3-23); Leftword Books Editor Vijay Prashad on Life and Legacy of Italian Marxist Com. Antonio Gramsci (video 6:29 mins).

All are welcome, but please RSVP. Organizers can be reached at

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