Green Friday

Start: Friday, November 29, 201910:00 AM

Malls give a platform to stores to sell their products. We are protesting the Edison Mall for their lack of care of how sustainable the stores they give platform to are. They need to enforce sustainability on the companies using their services, other wise companies will continue to exploit their workers, give off emissions, mass destroy forests for agriculture, sell cheap products that are not meant to last so the cycle keeps rolling.

Edison Mall is not the only unsustainable mall...they all are. Edison mall is the oldest, most popular and in a location that will attract a lot of attention. Join us in the fight! We are an army!

I am the president of the Sunrise Hub here in Fort Myers and be are building an army of young people to stop climate change. We are not alone either, SWFL People's Climate March will be there! Vegan Vegetarian Club will be there! SWFL VegFest will be there! Young Democratic Socialist Club of America will be there! National Association for the Advancement of Colored People will be there! We are all in support of the Global Climate Strike for Future!

But our movement isn't going anywhere. Now, we are preparing for the next wave of Climate Strikes.

Sign up now to be a part of the #ClimateStrike! #SunriseMovement #SunriseFt.Myers