Green New Deal for Public Schools - Forest Park Canvass

Start: Saturday, August 10, 202410:45 AM

End: Saturday, August 10, 2024 3:30 PM

Join us to gather petition signatures for the #WashUOwesU a Green New Deal for Public Schools campaign! Let's get the word out to our neighbors about how WashU accumulates money and power at the expense of University City and St. Louis Public Schools, and let's invite them to join us in pressuring WashU to fund a Green New Deal for Public Schools!

We will canvass several popular locations in Forest Park, including the Art Museum, Zoo, History Museum, Visitor Center, and Boat House. We will canvass in two shifts: the first will run from 11am to 1PM and the second from 1:30pm to 3:30pm. Feel free to participate in either or both shifts.

We will meet on the steps of the St. Louis Art Museum before each shift to coordinate canvassing at locations around Forest Park. Please arrive to the Art Museum at least 15 minutes before your shift to coordinate and gather materials. We will carpool groups of volunteers to and from their canvassing posts within the park.