Green New Deal for Public Schools Town Hall

Start: Sunday, February 18, 202411:30 AM

End: Sunday, February 18, 2024 3:00 PM

Even as University City and St. Louis are afflicted by climate change-driven catastrophes of increasing frequency and severity, powerful institutions avoid taking responsibility and suck resources out of our communities.

One of the worst examples of this trend is WashU, who's ever-expanding, sprawling web of tax-exempt properties robs University City and St. Louis of the public resources necessary to build climate-ready communities.

If you find the current extractive relationship between WashU and the cities of UCity and St. Louis infuriating and are intrigued by the possibility of building a movement powerful enough to renegotiate that relationship in a way that materially improves the lives of the working class and increases their control over public resources, then join us for a Green New Deal Town Hall on Sunday, February 18th at 11:30am in the Centennial Room of Centennial Commons.

Together, we will build and wage a campaign demanding that WashU enter a payment-in-lieu-of-taxes (PILOTs) agreement with our cities to fund the transformation of our public schools into green, community-centered hubs, ready for an uncertain climate future.

Masking is preferred. Food will be provided! See you soon!


The Green New Deal Working Group

This event is accessible