COP25 Training: Growing the Global Multi-Faith Movement for Climate Justice

Start: Wednesday, December 11, 201910:00 AM

End: Wednesday, December 11, 201912:00 PM

Join GreenFaith, a growing movement of people of faith from around the world, in a 2-hour participatory training & collaborative session for COP25 delegates & local activists on how we can collectively build the world’s largest multi-faith movement for climate justice.


About the Training

While science has provided the data behind what needs to change to mitigate the climate crisis, it is the role of our cultural institutions to move people into action. There has been a glaring gap of moral leadership on climate change, however this is finally changing. Faith communities and their leaders play a uniquely important role in shifting hearts, minds and the broader culture, which is a key precursor to systemic change. We are seeing millions of people of faith waking up and moving off their cushions, rising from their pews into action.

Our faith and spiritual practices give us the moral courage to turn towards great challenges, not away from them, and to profoundly change our societies. People of faith have done so before when there was a moral call to action, and we do so now. This is the time for bold transformation. GreenFaith is building this transformative climate movement by organizing people of faith and spirit, bridging them with scientists and activists on the frontlines of climate justice. Let’s join forces.  

Participants in this training will emerge with:

  1. Inspiration rooted in faith & nature - looking back to our theological backgrounds and personal life stories to strengthen our own call to climate stewardship

  2. Concrete tools towards developing strategies together for mobilizing local congregations & high level faith denominations, in partnership with civil society and international NGOs.  

  3. Strong Relationships & Network - The 2-hour journey will be comprised of leaders from across the world, with community building exercises to build fellowship among participants. These relationships and alliances will prove vital towards demonstrating political power in the road ahead.

Invite your colleagues!

There will be 3 opportunities to join this training during COP25, CLICK HERE for the other time options.


with any questions.  Find our event on Facebook to connect with the larger group; join the COP25 People of Faith WhatsApp group. WhatsApp is an instant messaging platform to connect people around the world to share information, relevant events, and images in real time.