Gwinnett County, let's get out the vote!

Start: Sunday, March 17, 2019 3:00 PM

End: Sunday, March 17, 2019 5:00 PM

In just one week, voters in Gwinnett County will head to the polls for Election Day on Tuesday, March 19 – their last opportunity to vote for Gwinnett's critical transportation expansion plan.

Gwinnett is the fastest-growing county in the state and it's thought that in 20 years, the current population may even double. We've reached the point of diminishing returns on adding new lanes and highways, it's time for a more sustainable and equitable solution: the Gwinnett transportation expansion plan, a partnership with MARTA.

It's critical that our folks turn out to vote. But in order for us to lead Georgia forward, we have to mobilize our friends and neighbors in Gwinnett to get out the vote right now.

Join us for a Sunday soul food brunch to get out the vote! We're teaming up with our friends at The New Georgia Project Action Fund to get our people to the polls. All you need to bring is a cell phone, tablet, or laptop to join the party. We'll bring the soul food and mimosa!

Are you down to party with us?

With deep political alignment and some powerhouse tools and resources, we are looking to change the game in Georgia for the better -- together!