Hands Off Our ACA Rally

Start: Saturday, February 25, 201711:00 AM

We want to hold a rally where many Portlanders live - the suburbs. Our goal is to get the word out that the Affordable Care Act is a good government program which we want to keep! We expect our members of Congress to defend it aggressively using all means necessary to protect it from a GOP repeal. We will hold signs and pass out flyers to passersby. If some would like to tell their story, we'll make time for this during the rally. If you can help with preparation for this event, please let us know. We are "Our Indivisible Revolution Sherwood" More information about us can be found here. ">https://www.facebook.com/OurRevolutionSherwood/ If you have questions, you can message us there or email us at pbriggs(at)greeneggsandham.org