Health Care Town Hall in Lawrence

Start: Thursday, July 20, 2017 6:30 PM

We don’t know exactly what will happen next week with the revised Senate health care bill, but we know something will!

We’re prepared to address all scenarios and answer questions. If the bill is passed, we’ll get you thinking ahead to what we need to do to make sure it’s damage is as limited as possible. If it’s still in limbo, we’ll answer your questions about what various amendments mean for Kansans. If it is somehow dead, we’ll celebrate!

David Jordan, Executive Direction of Alliance for a Healthy Kansas and Sheldon Weisgrau, Director of the Health Reform Resource Project, will be on hand to answer your questions about the Affordable Care Act, Better Care Reconciliation Act, and American Health Care Act, Expand KanCare campaign and how they will change health care for Kansans.

Indivisible LFK will give you concrete ways to connect with your elected officials to ensure your voice is heard in D.C. Please join us!

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