Town Hall with Senator Moran

Start: Monday, June 12, 2017 7:30 AM

Hello Kansans,

As part of his Kansas Listening Tour Stops, Senator Jerry Moran has finally scheduled an in-person town hall in Johnson County, his first in Eastern Kansas this year. So, Kansans can now ask him details of this new bill, something that impacts one-sixth of the economy.

We know the Senate is working on a health care bill behind closed doors and in secret. It's so secretive that even the Democrats in the Senate Finance Committee don't know what's going on. Senator Claire McCaskill, a member, asked Senator Orrin Hatch if they would even have a hearing on the bill.

Town halls have traditionally been used to solicit input from and impart information to constituents; since the 2016 election, lawmakers have preferred to steer clear of voters, or engage only in well-controlled arenas.

We plan to share constituent health care stories and to directly pose the many and still unanswered questions regarding the GOP health care bill.  We are also interested to know his opinion about the lack of openness in the Senate process.

Come with other questions for the Senator as well, but time is of the essence to save health care for 24 million Americans.

All the best,
The Indivisible Team

We will gather in the parking lot at 6:45 AM.

Note: Moran's staff notified us with a venue clarification. The event is at the Lenexa Conference Center, adjacent to the Hyatt Place: Ryckert Street, Lenexa, KS, near 87th Street and I-435.

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