Herefordshire action day in Leominster and Ledbury

Start: Saturday, June 15, 202410:00 AM

End: Saturday, June 15, 2024 5:00 PM

What will we be doing?
We'll be focusing on chatting with voters for North Herefordshire MP Candidate Ellie
Chowns. We'll most often be canvassing - a short conversation where we start by asking what matters most to people, ask how they voted last time and then let everyone know that Ellie's running a close 2nd to the Conservative so she's got a real chance of winning with their support!

We'll also have leaflets available to deliver!

Please be aware that North Herefordshire is a rural constituency and you may be required to travel elsewhere after you arrive - lifts will be organised if you didn't drive.

Please try to arrive on time for either the morning session at 10am or the afternoon session at 2pm. This is especially important as we won't be working from a venue and may have already left if you arrive late!

Some of our action days are close to train stations. If not, and you need a lift from a Herefordshire train station to the venue please let us know using this form. There may also be extra travel required from a venue to more rural locations but we will organise this on the day.

Detailed training is provided at the start of each session, so don't worry if you're new to door knocking! If you'd like to find out more about door knocking before coming to an action day, look out for online training sessions that we frequently run.

New to door knocking?
If you've not been to an action day before, we try our best to be a friendly bunch and make sure you're very well looked after! All training is provided on the day, you'll get the oppourtunity to practice before you head out, and we'll make sure you're paired with someone who's door knocked before so you can learn from them.

Clothing and appearance
Please do check the weather forecast before traveling. You may like to bring a wetcoat and umbrella if it's raining, extra warm clothes if it's cold, or a hat and sun cream if it's hot!

Otherwise please come dressed smart casually without badges, rosettes or any other branding. We won't judge you, but our Conservative voters, who we have to persuade to vote Green to get Ellie elected, will!

If you're traveling far to come and campaign in North Herefordshire you may like somewhere to stay the night before and after and we can help put you in touch with a local member who has offered their spare room. Please use this form to let us know:

And while you're in Herefordshire you may like to spend a few extra days door knocking to make the most of the trip! Let us know your plans here:

Keep in touch!

Use this form to sign up to the West Midlands Green Party mailing list to receive emails about campaigning in Herefordshire. If you're from outside the region you'll only get emails about Ellie's General Election campaign.