Herefordshire Big Day Out in Leominster

Start: Saturday, March 11, 202310:00 AM

End: Saturday, March 11, 2023 5:00 PM

For Herefordshire's March Big Day Out we'll be in Leominster campaigning for MP candidate Ellie Chowns and our local election candidates Cllr. Jenny Bartlett, Mark Woodall and Jill Hanna.

Sessions will start at 10am and 2pm, with lunch provided at 1pm.

Please come dressed smart casually without badges, rosettes or any other branding. We won't judge you, but our Conservative voters, who we have to persuade to vote Green to get Ellie elected, will!

Make sure you sign up the emails from the West Midlands Green Party to receive emails about campaigning in Herefordshire. If you're from outside the region you'll only get emails about Ellie's general election campaign.